This section is needed but has not been written yet. Return back to Cabot house and Jack will be upset that. Lorenzo does have a lot of health so it will take some time to kill him if you don't feel like wasting explosives or high-damage ammo on him. You will need to access the generators on the walls. Enter through the doors Jack opens, killing raiders in the way. It seems there is a Cabot named Lorenzo here, and the raiders want to free him. The Secret of Cabot House is a quest that can be obtained in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4.

Epilogue to the Cabot Family - How Lorenzo & Jack Cabot End Up - Duration: 3:43. KILL OR FREE LORENZO IN FALLOUT 4, CHOOSE YOUR PATH ALREADYWILL2.0.

Accept Lorenzo's offer and later in Cabot House apologize to Jack and choose his side, Free Lorenzo and then kill him, After killing the bandits and waiting for the dialogues to end, you can use four generators to kill Lorenzo without freeing him (wait for him to die before you will walk into the prison). After storming the Parsons State Insane Asylum, killing dozens of Raiders and reaching the basement, the player will be face-to-face with Lorenzo Cabot. So, with full spoiler warning in place, here’s all the info to help you decide whether to kill or free Lorenzo in The Cabot House mission of Fallout 4.